Hucksters Budget Ski HolidaysHucksters Budget Ski Holidays

Here we go again, new season, new faces . . . . . and a few familiar ones too!

I joined the team back in December 2015 as a driver and maintenance man and although these tasks still fall within my remit as a manager you’ll now also see me doing everything from organising lift passes to cooking breakfasts. Prior to joining Hucksters, I worked as a mechanical engineer in the UK and although I enjoyed many of the technical challenges I was never really content with the nine-to-five desk job. Now “work” can be absolutely anything running a chalet throws at you, it doesn’t have set hours and it’s never, never dull. Whether that be welcoming in the next weeks guest with a late dinner at midnight or an airport run driving through the Tarentaise valley at 5 o’clock, just as the sun is rising, it never fails to put a smile on my face.

So why do I love the lifestyle so much? Well of course, as anyone who has stayed with us can testify, the Mont Blanc chalet’s privileged location with stunning views doesn’t hurt! I never tire of seeing the winter season come and go, just being here is the first bonus and something I truly love.

Secondly, the fact that we are slope side in the middle of one of France's largest ski resorts definitely has its bonuses too! Whether I’m playing on the snowboard in the Les Arcs snowpark or exploring the pistes of La Plagne with guests on skis there is always somewhere new to visit and awesome to do. Even though I’ve managed to cover most of the the 425km of fantastic resort pistes there is still a myriad of ski touring and off piste to explore in the surrounding valleys, and I'm looking forward to discovering more of it this year!

On top of all that we are lucky enough to have the best Brit run bar right on our doorstep, Bar Mont Blanc. Whether it’s a few quiet drinks and a game of pool with my workmates or a band night, with seemingly every seasonaire in resort, there’s never a boring evening.

Work hard, play hard and party hard - It’s the way of life out here and it just keeps me coming back!

Before I stop nattering there's one more thing that I want to tell you about - something that's got me really excited! New for us at hucksters this year we are looking at plans to fully open our lovely lodge in the summer months too! It’s going be a big adventure and challenge for us to tackle but it's going to allow us to host guests while they pursue fantastic sports such as hiking, mountain biking and climbing to name just a few. More details on that to follow when we've figured them out, but for me hopefully it will mean more time in the place I love.

Right now though, I’m just looking forward to seeing many of our regular guests over the next few months and hopefully meeting some new ones. So that’s me, Paul, keeping my fingers crossed hoping the snow gods are kind to us this year! See you in resort!

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Customer Reviews

Just a quick note to thank you all for hosting the Bennett clan the other week, we had a great time and are hoping to return with Hucksters for the new year.


The wider your snowplough is, the slower your speed will be.

Top Tip

If you're travelling with youngsters, there is a great selection of registered childminders who can look after the little ones while you let your hair down. Just ask us and we'll be happy to help you arrange this service!

Top Tip

You don't have to buy the snowshoes, ice grippers and trekking poles you'll need on mountain walks. If you don't have the necessary kit for hiking, Evolution 2 offer kit for hire.

Top Tip

Just wanted to let you know I had a great holiday last week thanks and wanted to say that the staff were all really friendly & helpful. Wouldn't hesitate to return.


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